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Wordwright Programs


2nd Saturday of each month

(10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon)



5425 North Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City 73105


Updated information on the new website:




When/Where We Meet:

Wordwrights' members and visitors met the second Saturday morning of every month prior to the pandemic.

Join us at The Last Drop Coffee Shop - just south of I-44 on Lincoln. (formerly the Howard Johnson's Restaruant)


Dear Wordwrights Members and Guests:

Safety Protocols, including masks and social distancing, will be in place.

If you are feeling ill, running a fever or experiencing other symptoms, or have been exposed to the virus, please show your love for others by staying home and praying for our meeting. But please let us know so we can say a prayer for you.


Advise Donna Le at:  or 1(405)501-2522



Some of the latest meeting programs and topics have included the items below. 



 A Sampling of Previous Programs

  • Victor Driver - "Consider Self-Publishing Formats: IngramSpark and KDP"

  • Donna Le, Wordwrights Vice President - "Bearing Fruit as Christian Writers"

  • Barbara Zimmerman, Wordwrights President - "Christmas Program"

  • Marcia Preston, author - "Writing Killer Fiction"

  • "Celebration of Wordwrights-OKC Christian Writers' 25th Year"

  • Jonita Mullins, author/historian - "Tips and Tools for Conducting Research for Writing"

  • Kathleen Gibbs, author - "Finding the Well-Hidden Publisher for Your Book and a Million Little Ideas to Promote It"

  • Speaker, Staci Mauney, editor/indie author - "Writing Devotionals: Connecting Ordinary Events with Spiritual Truths"

  • Speaker, Jeanetta Calhoun Mish, poet and publisher or Mongrel Press - "Poetry with Oklahoma's Poet Laureate"

  • 2019 All-Day Rretreat at Yonderland in Mulhall - Helen Newton, Featured Speaker

  • Speaker, M. Carolyn Steele, author - "Get It Right in the First Place"

  • Speaker, Jeanne Devlin, Owner/Editor of Rodrunner Press - "Tips for Getting Published and Then Marketing Your Book"

  • Speaker, Jean Reed, author - "How to Build a Plot"

  • Polish for Publication Critique Series - "May Your Writing Life Blossom" by Donna Le

  • Speaker, Janis Montgomery, playwright - "Sharing and Showering" - Playwriting

  • Speaker, Tiffany Gobble - "The Writing World: Overcoming Rejection, Finding a Publisher"

  • Speaker, Shel Harrington - "How to Get Your Name Out There When Nobody Knows Your Name"

  • Introduction of officers, ideas, and Wordwrights' goals for 2019 - "Let Your Write Shine"

  • Speaker, Gaye Sanders, author with The Roadrunner Press, presenting program for Jeanne Devlin, editor/owner of The Roadrunner Press - "Tips for Getting Published & Then Marketing your Book"

  • Wordwrights' Retreat at Yonderland, Mulhall, Oklahoma - Featured Speaker, Sally Jadlow

  • Speaker, Alton Carter - "Author of Aging Out and The Boy Who Carried Bricks"

  • Speaker, Andrea Foster (The Booklady) - "Sell Your Book Without Losing Your Shirt: Promostions In the New Pubishing Age"

  • Speaker, Carolyn Leonard, author and self-publisher - "Journey of Discovery in Israel"

  • Polish for Publication Critique Series

  • Speaker, Dee Dee Chumley, author - "Why Write? Why Christian? Why Fiction?"

  • Speaker, C. Dale German - "Journaling with C. Dale German"

  • Speakers, Donna Le and Donna Sue Berry - "Writing for the Love of God"

  • Polish for Publication Critique

  • Christmas Party & Readings/Officer Elections

  • Polish for Publication Critique Series - "Polish Your Prose and Poetry"

  • Speaker, Chris Christensen, CEO Christensen Media Group - "Marketing Our Writing"

  • All-day Christian Writing Retreat at Yonderland, Mulhall, Oklahoma

  • Polish for Publication - Critique Session for Prose and Poetry

  • Speakers, Jean Reed and Kathryn Spurgeon - "Two Book Publishers"

  • Speaker, Virginia Brendle, founder GIFTS: "How to Be Presenters to Promote Your Work"

  • Speaker, Nathan Gunter, Managing Editor at Oklahoma Today magazine

  • "Writer's Work" - Wordwrights Members - Writing short bios/tips/devotions/writing to celebrate Easter

  • Speaker, Dr. Robert Kanary, Pastor/Author on writing nonfiction books, writing children's books, traditional vs. self-publishing, and audio books

  • Christmas Party with readings by Wordwrights Members

  • Speaker, Jeremy Ingle, Newspaper Editor/Publisher - Oremus Press, on writing devotionals for local papers and small presses

  • Speaker, Una Belle Townsend, poet and picture-book author - "Writing Children's Picture Books"

  • Critique Session: "Polish for Publication" - Lori Williams, Leader

  • Speaker, Marla F. Jones, Writer/Artist/Book Publisher - Doodle and Peck, on writing children's books

  • Speaker, Benjamin Myers, Poet Laureate of Oklahoma: "Poetry"

  • Speaker, Melanie Hemry: "How to Sell to Guideposts"

  • Speaker, LaQuita Dayton: "Accidental Publisher"

  • Speaker, Norman Styers: "Why Write Nonfiction?"

  • Speaker, Jean Reed: "Writing Dialogue 101 aka Eavesdropping 101"

  • Christmas Party and Member Book Signing

  • 20th Anniversary Celebration - "Wordwrights - Crafting Words for Christ: 20 Years and We've Only Just Begun!" Special guest: Irene Martin, founder of Wordwrights group

  • Speaker, Louise Tucker Jones: "Finding Your Passion in Writing"

  • Speaker, Kathryn Spurgeon: "Writing Love from the Inside Out"

  • Speaker, Barbara Shepherd, author, - "Secrets from the Contest Queen"

  • Speaker, Carla Stewart: "Researching and Writing Historical Fiction"

  • Critique and Themed Writing Session

  • Speaker, Carolyn Leonard, on genealogy and her new book, "Who's Your Daddy?"

  • Planning ACW Conference & Critique Session

  • Speaker, Barbara Shepherd, author & income tax preparer - "Taxes and the Business of Writing"

  • ACW Conference Report & Critique Session

  • Speaker, Stan Tolar, on writing tips, personal writing experiences

  • Writing Exercises

  • Critique Session

  • Critique Session & Fellowship

  • Speaker, Joe Jared, poet and author - "Writing Metrical Poetry"

  • Speaker Susan Brown: "Seven Roadblocks to Publication and How To Get Past Them"

  • Critique Session "Refining Our Work"

  • Speaker, Nancy Simmons Vineyard, author: "Joy on the Writing Journey"

  • Speaker, Rene Gutteridge: "Ask Me Anything"

  • Speaker, Jean Reed: Critique Session & Planning ACW Conference Banquet - "To the 9's"

  • Speaker, Milton Smith: "Attending ACW & Other Conferences”

  • ACW Conference Report & Critique Session

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